Aspek Agunan sebagai Perlindungan Hukum bagi Bank Selaku Penyedia Layanan Kredit Online


  • Fransisca Utami Masakke Universitas Airlangga
  • Irena Hapsari Universitas Airlangga
  • Syaukah Az-Zahro Universitas Airlangga



Online Credit, Collateral, Bank


The implementation of lending and borrowing money or credit in general requires an additional agreement in the form of a guarantee agreement for the safety of the loan. Debt guarantees are giving confidence to creditors over the payment of debts they have given to debtors, this is due to the law or the issuance of an agreement that is assessoir of the principal agreement. Regarding the nature of the collateral agreement is the assessoir, that agreement follows the principal collateral in the form of a debt or credit agreement. The type of debt collateral can be in the form of material collateral which will give rise to material rights or individual collateral, commonly referred to as borgtocht which will give rise to individual rights as stated in Article 1820 BW. In general, creditors choose to use a material security, because by holding a material security the creditor's position will become the preferred creditor and the material rights over the guarantee will be transferred to the creditor who will give the right to receive debt payments in advance of the execution of collateral objects. In contrast to individual guarantees that only give rise to individual rights and can only be defended to the party making the agreement. However, if credit is done online with electronic mechanisms, how can collateral that can convince and protect creditors as the provider of online credit facilities.


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How to Cite

Fransisca Utami Masakke, Irena Hapsari, & Syaukah Az-Zahro. (2020). Aspek Agunan sebagai Perlindungan Hukum bagi Bank Selaku Penyedia Layanan Kredit Online. Perspektif Hukum, 20(1), 1–17.



Private Law
